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View a variety of our creative problem solving print materials.

Test Number 1
Title A Childhood Attitude Inventory for Problem Solving
Author Covington, M. V.
Category Self-Report Inventory
Copyright Date 1967
Availability Contact Author
Age/Grade Level Upper Elementary
Cost Contact Author
Source Contact Author
Address Dr. Martin V. Covington, Psychology Dept., University of California, Berkeley, CA.
web or e-mail  
Definition Creativity is approached as involving novel or unusual ideas in the context of solving open-ended and ambiguous or ill-defined problems.
Purposes Designed to assess the student’s attitudes toward problem-solving and his/her self-concept as a creative problem solver. Originally designed to support research on the effectiveness of the Productive Thinking Program.
Characteristics Generating Ideas Openness and Courage to Explore Ideas Listening to One's Inner Voice

Poor No manual

Poor None reported

Fair Stability over 5 weeks with 325 subjects was reported as .69 for Scale I and .65 for Scale II.

Fair Designed for group administration. The format is paper and pencil using true/false, and yes/no answers.

Fair Scale I reports the child’s attitudes toward solving open-ended or ill-structured problems. Scale II reports the child’s self-confidence as a creative problem solver.

Poor Not addressed

Reviews & Related Lit
The instrument has been used in several published experimental studies of the effectiveness of the Productive Thinking Program, including studies by researchers other than the program’s developers. Training in methods of solving open-ended, ill-defined problems was reported in several studies as producing significant gains in attitudes as measured by this instrument.

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1 A Childhood Attitude Inventory for Problem Solving View
2 A Survey of Students Educational Talent and Skills: A.S.S.E.T.S. View
3 Abedi Creativity Test View
4 AC Test of Creative Ability View
5 Adjective Check List View
6 ALPHA Biographical Inventory View
7 Assesing CPS Performance (3rd Ed.) View
8 Barron-Welsh Art Scale View
9 Berkeley Experimental Problem Solving Tests View
10 Biographical Inventory Creativity View
11 Biographical Inventory for Students View
12 Biographical Inventory - Form U View
13 Combined Efficacy Scale for Creative Productivity View
14 Comprehensive Ability Battery View
15 Creative Activities Checklist View
16 Creative Behavior Inventory View
17 Creative Behavior Inventory View

Creative Product Semantic Scale

19 Creative Reasoning Test View
20 Creative Thinking Test View
21 Creativity Assessment Packet View
22 Creativity Attitude Survey View
23 Creativity Checklist View
24 Creativity Tests for Children View
25 Denny-Ives Creativity Test View
26 Drawing Completion Task View
27 Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests/Ingenuity (FACT Battery) View
28 Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales (GATES) View
29 Gifted and Talented Screening Form View
30 Gifted Evaluation Scale-Second Edition (GES-2) View
31 Gross Geometric Forms View
32 Group Inventory for Finding Interest (GIFFI) View
33 Group Inventory for finding Talent (GIFT) View
34 Inventory of Individually Perceived Group Cohesiveness View
35 Khatena-Morse Multitalent Perception Inventory View
36 Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory View
37 Kit of Reference Tests for Cognition View
38 Leadership Skills Inventory View
39 Measure of Questioning Skills View
40 Meeker Creativity Rating Scale View
41 Miller Motivation Scale View
42 Modes of Thinking in Young Children View
43 Mother Goose Problems Test, Revised Edition View
44 Owens Creativity Test View
45 Parental Evaluation Children's Creativity View
46 Pennsylvania Assessment of Creative Tendency View
47 Personal Creativity Assessment View
48 Personal Orientation Dimensions View
49 Personal Orientation Inventory View
50 Pikunas Graphoscipic Scale View
51 Preconscious Activity Scale View
52 Preschool and Kindergarten Interest Descriptor View
53 Process Skills Rating Scales View
54 Remote Associates Tests View
55 Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior View
56 Selected Creativity Tasks View
57 Similes View
58 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), 5th Ed. View
59 Starkweather Originality Test View
60 Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test View
61 Student Talent and Risk Profile (Star) View
62 Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production View
63 Test of Creative Potential View
64 Test of Creative Thinking View
65 The Creative Dramatics Test View
66 The Creativity Self-Report Scale View
67 The Gross Geometric Forms Test for Children View
68 The Problem Solving Inventory View
69 The Purdue Elementary Problem Solving Inventory View
70 Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement View
71 Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Words View
72 Torrance Test of Creative Thinking View


Test Number 2
Title A Survey of Students’ Educational Talent and Skills: A.S.S.E.T.S.
Author Grand Rapids Public Schools (MI)
Category Rating Scale Self-Report Inventory
Copyright Date 1986
Availability Out of Print
Age/Grade Level Grades K-6
Cost No data as to recent pricing.
Forms Two forms: K-3 and Inc.K-6.
Source No current source available.
Address Originally developed in the Grand Rapids (MI) Public Schools
web or e-mail  
Definition Creative Thinking Ability is indicated by: the ability to think of a large number of solutions; appreciation of funny storied; enjoyment in telling funny stories; an appreciation of adventure and taking risks; a lot of curiosity about new things; a great deal of imagination; an eagerness to discuss new ideas or information
Purposes The instrument is designed to help identify children’s gifts and talents, and to help in planning enrichment experiences for these children.
Characteristics Generating Ideas Digging Deeper into Ideas Openness and Courage to Explore Ideas Listening to One's Inner Voice

Fair Manual describes each instrument, outlines the procedure for administering and scoring the inventories, and suggests possible applications of the results.

Poor Data not available.

Poor Data not available.

Fair Any professional can administer the test to individuals or groups. The parent survey lacks explicit direction on administering the interest section to the child and lacks information on how to record the data. Poor formatting of the student answer sheet decreases the ease of administration. However, the feedback form is clear and offers understandable scoring interpretation.

Fair Five scores are reported addressing interests and talent areas; academic motivational characteristics, creative thinking ability, visual and performing arts.The teacher Inventory items seem mixed in level and style; student self-report items seem to be questions of style leaning towards an Explorer preference, although # 19 seems to tape type; parent inventory items tap mostly style while # 22 looks at type.

Poor Not addressed in the manual

Reviews & Related Lit
TiP V, 1999) Reviews in widely referenced sources (e.g., MMY): MMY #10, 1989: Newman, D. L. “The attempt to include parents in the assessment process in a direct manner is to be commended; however, the present format necessitates an assumption that all children have a parent who is willing and able to conduct that portion of the instrument.” Rust, J. O. “The chief strength of the survey is that the parent’s, child’s and teacher’s opinions are all used. It makes good sense to include a broad range of opinions in developing instructional decisions about talented youngsters. A second relative strength … is the focus on student interest. …The survey is weakened by its lack of information about reliability, validity, and normative data.”

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Test Number 3
Title Abedi Creativity Test
Author Jamal Abedi
Category Self-Report Inventory
Copyright Date 1994
Availability Contact Author
Restrictions Contact Author
Age/Grade Level Grade 6+
Cost Contact Author
Source Dr. Jamal Abedi
Address UCLA-CREST, 301 GSE/IS, 300 Charles E. Young Dr. N., Los Angeles CA 90095-1522
Phone 310-206-1532 ext 64346
Fax 310-825-3883
web or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Definition Creative thinking, following Torrance痴 definition, emphasizing fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.
Purposes Seeks to develop a multiple choice test to provide an efficient estimate of the scores derived from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking.
Characteristics Generating Ideas

Poor No published manual appears to be available yet. This is an experimental instrument still in the preliminary stages of development.

Poor Few studies completed yet. Initial correlations with TTCT scores were low (.15 to .41), the highest for fluency. Studies from Spain indicated low, but significant, correlations with other criteria.

Fair Low but significant reliabilities reported from studies in Spain. More promising results were obtained using a structural equation modeling design, but these require replication and further study with other populations.

Good The intent, which is to provide an approach that is more efficient to administer and score than the usual creative thinking measure, is appealing, and the author reports preliminary efforts to approach the task in a psychometrically sound manner. The results suggest that considerable development efforts are still necessary.

Good Links specifically to variables measured by the TTCT.

  Not addressed; instrument currently intended for research use only.

Reviews & Related Lit
Abedi, J. (In Press). A latent-variable modeling approach to assessing reliability and validity of a creativity instrument. Creativity Research Journal. Auzmendi, E., Villa, A., & Abedi, J. (1996). Reliability and validity of a newly-constructed multiple-choice creativity instrument. Creativity Research Journal, 9 (1), 89-95. O誰eil, H., Abedi, J., & Spielberger, C. (1994). The measurement and teaching of creativity. In: H. O誰eil and M. Drillings (Eds.). Motivation: Theory and research. (pp. 245-263). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

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Test Number 4
Title AC Test of Creative Ability
Author Harris, R. H.; Simberg, A. L.
Category Test
Copyright Date 1953/1960
Availability http://ericae.net/tc3/TC002074.htm
Age/Grade Level Adults
Cost Out of print.
Forms 2 forms, form B is open ended with short answers.
Source No current source available
web or e-mail  
Purposes This instrument is designed “to give a measure of quantity and the uniqueness of the ideas an individual can produce in a given situation.”
Characteristics Generating Ideas

Poor No manual available.

Poor An in-house study was carried out. All validity evidence is based on small samples.

Poor Equivalence reliability was .75 with 39 cases, internal consistency was found to be .92 on the KR-20. The number of cases was not specified. No data reported on the reliability of sub-scores.

Good This paper and pencil test is timed for 80 minutes for the full test. The materials seem clear and well printed. Subjects are asked to write the consequences of a described situation. Scoring keys for uniqueness and quality are developed locally.

Poor There are 9 scores including: quantity, uniqueness , quality, and total. Scores are based on the number and uniqueness of ideas. The items search for quality, uniqueness, and quantity of responses. Other information needed for interpretation is unavailable.

Poor Bias is reported in the review.

Reviews & Related Lit
(An original review sheet is on file at CCL. TiP III, 1983, MMY #6, 1965) Mayo, S. T. Undoubtedly contaminated by verbal fluency. There is a bias potential around past experience of different individuals. The items are dated. Not recommended. Merrifield, P. R. “…the test items are ingenious and stimulating; they should induce interesting results in situations where semantic, not figural or symbolic, fluency is considered an appropriate measure.” Thompson, A. S. “…this test appears to be soundly constructed to yield a sample of the individual’s productive behavior, for which quantity and quality scores can be derived.” See: Voss, H. G. (1977) The effect of experimentally induced activation on creativity. Journal of Psychology. 96, 3-9. Albaum, G., & Baker, K. (1977). Cross-validation of a creativity scale for the adjective check list. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37(4), 1057-1061. Bessmer, M. A., & Ramanaiah, N. V. (1981). Convergent and discriminant validity of selected need scales from the Adjective Check List and Personality Research Form. Psychological Reports, 49(1), 311-316. Domino, G. (1970). Identification of potentially creative persons from the Adjective Check List. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 35 (1), 48-51. Gough, H. (1979). A creative personality scale for the Adjective Check List. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(8), 1398-1405. Ironson, G. H., & Davis, G. A. (1979). Faking high or low creativity scores on the Adjective Check List. Journal of Creative Behavior, 13(2), 139-145.

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