Knowing your own style and how to use your strengths and overcome your limitations will enable you to become more personally productive. People use different styles to solve problems and to deal with change. Every person looks at problems, challenges, and change differently. We differ in the ways we define a problem, in our search for solutions, and in preparing to take action. Understanding our style will enable us to choose a problem solving approach and solutions that are workable and also consistent with our preferences. We are also able to recognize situations that demand coping strategies from us. For instance, under certain conditions we may not have the time for careful, quiet reflection before taking action. At such times Internal processors might be more productive by seeking out the interaction of others to help set the most promising course of action. Developers often find structure and authority enabling. However, without an understanding of their preference, they risk allowing structure and authority to become blocks to productivity.
Randy had worked hard to produce a unique, well-crafted proposal. The result was a highly unorthodox, but logical and efficient solution to an ongoing problem. He was sure that if implemented his organization would benefit. Randy felt stifled. Having shown the proposal to his supervisor he was told that his unorthodox approach was impossible, representing a break from tradition that was just unacceptable. In short, the supervisor considered his efforts a complete waste of time. Without the approval and sanction of an authority figure, Randy was at a loss as to what to do. He felt sure that his proposal was just what was needed to get things moving but before going ahead he needed to know that what he was doing was "allowable." Fortunately another supervisor in the organization had some experience with VIEW theory. She pointed out that, while Randy was strong in terms of generating many promising ideas and proposals, he tended to retreat if his ideas were not readily accepted by the authority structure. Instead of using authority and structure, he was allowing it to become a block. She helped him refine his proposal, and subsequently guided him in presenting his proposal to the Board of Directors. After some modification, they recognized the merit in the proposal and adopted it.